« The story of the Indien is a family story »
Elle commence en 1967. A l’époque, nos parents tiennent un stand à St-Ouen, avenue Michelet. Notre père est assis en tailleur, habillé en Indien, ce qui lui vaut son surnom. Avec son gilet long brocardé, et sa coiffe Indienne, il expose les vêtements qu’il crée la semaine. Vêtements hippies, style tzigane ou ethnique correspond à la mode du moment. Il achète à des surplus Américains, des capes qu’il modifie, revend et que le tout Paris achète.
Le baron de Lima, célèbre figure beatnik, nous amène tous les artistes qu’il côtoie : Demis Roussos, Cerrone, Pierre Billon… Toute la faune artistique se précipite chez nous si bien que nous finissons, entre autre, par habiller la comédie musicale Hair, puis plus tard la tournée « Magic Circus » de Johnny Hallyday.
Even the members of the Scorpio group come to our house to dress!
I. Clignancourt
L’Indien : ce surnom deviendra le nom de son magasin en 1971 aux puces de Clignancourt. rue des Rosiers, où toujours ancré dans la culture alternative, il commence à vendre ses premières fringues de rock. Créateur, il fabrique en partie les vêtements qu’il porte, qu’il vend. L’autre partie vient directement d’Angleterre.
Heroic times, golden age, it is the pinnacle of Punk, hard rock, kilt, perfecto, nails, patches and T-shirts of bands. Sales are made by dancing against the backdrop of Santana, or Satisfaction of the Rolling Stones! The best sellers are Slayer, Anthrax, Iron Maiden...
"The ascent continues. BIG NAMES come to our store such as METALLICA, NIRVANA, LOUDBLAST, TRUST, TELEPHONE, ..."
We moved to 8 Rue du Croissant in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris. We went from retailer to wholesaler, and we supply most of the rock stores of the moment. Among other things, we make the first punk pants, in zipped Scottish tartan, which we even ship to the United States!

The 1980s also saw the appearance of the New Wave with the emergence of Cure, Depeche Mode... But also in rock, that of Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC ... But from 1995 to 2000 rock collapsed with the advent of hip-hop culture and the emergence of bands such as Public Enemy, Wu-Tang Clan. Street Market (puces de clignancourt) use is changing. Customers desert and our father is swept away by health problems. Rude passage.
II. "Prise de la Bastille".
In 2001, we still kept the market shop for a while, but decided to move to Bastille, where we took a small shop 36 Keller Street. It all starts again with a new generation of young people who rediscover nirvana's rock and grunge.
« Le monde se bouscule. On nous surnomme « La boutique du Pogo »
C’est la renaissance au début grâce au reggae/ragga avec la grande période Pierpoljak,Tiken Jah Fakoly . Mais le néo métal vient balayer tout ca dans la même période ! Korn, Slipknot, SOAD, Deftones…font désormais partie du décor, et imposent leur look ! C’est l’époque du baggy, et du t-shirt XXL ! Cette nouvelle clientèle remet à la mode badges, clous et t-shirts de groupes.
III. Extension.
In our 40M2 we suffocate, we must expand, in 2003, we open a second shop at 30 Keller Street, temporarily close the 36, and definitely the street market shop at "puces de Clignancourt". The scene continues to follow us, and it is now artists, like Pleymo, Darkness Dynamite, Luke, La Ruda... who visit us. At the same time, we are opening the first version of our website.
In 2007, a new generation arrived. It's the famous "Emos". Exit the wide sartorial look. Make way for slim, underpants vans and super colorful clothes! We open again, after work, the shop at 30 Keller Street to satisfy them. We now have 2 shops!
Facebook is appear, we're creating our page, which now has more than 98,000 fans! A few years later, in 2009, it was the wave of teenagers fans of Tokio Hotel, Indochina and Japanese Visual key bands that made the scene live. The shop at 30 keller Street is heading for the Goth Lolita. The former customers, now come to dress their children!
En 2018, la célèbre marque de chaussures New Rock nous fait confiance pour l’ouverture d’une boutique à Paris.
C’est ainsi que New Rock Paris ouvre au 25 Rue Keller à Paris, Fruit de la collaboration entre New Rock et l’Indien Boutique.

FINAL / Thanks.
Today, still in rock and alternative clothing, we are still here, doing our best to satisfy you, constantly looking for new brands, organizing events, contests, signing sessions and others.
Thank you all for bringing the stage to life, to the artists to exist and to support us, because it is thanks to you that today we are here!
See you !
The family (Myriam, David, Manu and Sonia) & the employees.